Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Doing well... far so good on the school front! Timmy is very proud of himself that he has not been sent to the principals office. I'm more proud that his teacher said he really hasn't been any trouble at all! He is so stinking smart and loving school. The only issue we've really had is that he gets very upset if we (tom and I) mess up and he doesn't have the stuff he needs for school when he needs it. For instance one day his backpack was in Tom's van and Tom was at work. Another time I didn't see why they'd sent a paper home to be signed and he was very upset when other kids returned theirs and he didn't have his.
We finally scheduled a meeting with Principal and his teacher (Oct 14th) but decided we'd not cal it an official 504 meeting just yet since he seems to be doing so well.
At home...a slightly different story. His meds wear off right at the end of the school day so we get the brunt of the fun shall we say. But I have to call the Dr tomorrow for a new months meds anyway and will talk about having a short acting script for when its necessary. Probably won't use it everyday but when we have stuff to do in the evening it would be nice to be able to have.

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