Friday, January 30, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

I had my Timmy's parent/teachers conference last night and it couldn't have been better. His Kindergarten teacher basically said he's a joy and is doing so well, she's got nothing more she can teach him. He has been going to 1st grade for 2 hours a day since Christmas break and I got to meet that teacher. She too says he's doing great. He listens really well, and works independently. He is meeting or exceeding all the 1st grade "benchmarks" and is falling around the middle of her current class for everything. She said she isn't making any guesses at this point but will see how the rest of the year shakes out but she 'may' recommend that he be promoted up to 2nd for next year. But we may have a battle on our hands if that is her recommendations because no one even knows how they'd do it and the administration seems very leery of it. But she said if he doesn't skip to 2nd she will make sure he's in her 1st grade class so that we can be confident knowing he will be challenged at the level he needs. I have to say, for as much as I hate our district for so many reasons, I LOVE these two teachers and the ways they've really gone above and beyond to meet the needs of my child.

Makes a momma proud!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It is just amazing when teachers really care about a kid to go the extra mile.

I was one of those kids in special ed that they couldn't keep up with. Oftentimes they just lump us with other students and call it good. So glad to hear they're taking his best interest to heart!