Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Afternoon dose

We have finally added an afternoon dose of Focalin. We're doing 2.5MG and it seems to be working for now. The difference in behavior seems to be becoming more pronounced so this really is a big help. It leaves us with about an hour of chaos at the end of the day. Of course the mornings are still very hard. At this point I'm thinking if I had something to take in the morning it might help. He just wakes up and is going on all 8 cylinders straight out of the gate. The rest of us simply don't function like that so it causes tension.
But like I said the behavior seems to be getting even worse when the meds have warn off so we really need to figure out where we can be getting some extra help there soon too. I really feel like we're pretty darn consistent and the issue isn't really anything horrible, its just a constant not listening and having fits when he doesn't get his way. He so obviously has a truly amazing heart but it is just very frustrating to feel like a 6 year old really wants to control our household and sometimes really can!


Jennifer Taylor said...

My daughter was on Focalin three years ago and it didn't work for us. It wore off after 4-5 hours and it altered her personality too much. She went without meds for three years and then puberty hit. Oh, my! Two months ago we took her back to the doctor and they decided to try her on Vanese. The first week had a few side affects with appetite and dry mouth, but after her system got adjusted, it has worked wonders for her. Have you tried it? It's supposed to be a new med and it doesn't wear off like Focalin.

Melissa said...

I know I'm late to the party, but have you tried Conserta? I know people who have had great success with it as Focalin was not working at all. Just a thought. Hope it helps. BTW- LOVE your sidebar with all the reminders.