Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ding, Ding Ding, Round Two

Well, it appears we'll be starting the process all over again...except this time with Johnny. Because his symptoms are different and in some cases less intense, its taken a bit longer to be sure it was time to investigate. But it was questioned 3 years ago when he was first tested for speech (but denied that time for speech therapy only to be approved the next time a year and half later). But honestly in the throws of the chaos Timmy created, Johnny's "energy" barely seemed noticeable.
However, as he's started school this year its become pretty undeniable. He was given time to settle into the expectations of class but still has MUCH difficulty staying seated when he's supposed to, waiting his turn to speak or simply staying on task. So I called for an appt. Of course now it'll be almost 2 months before we can even SEE the Dr. So likely we won't get him much, if any help this year. But hopefully we'll be able to get things working before he enters the higher expectations of 1st grade!
It would be amazing if the proper treatment could also help with his tantrums but I think that is an unrelated behavior issue. But I'm still HOPING since we've been as consistent with this issue as humanly possible but it continues to be an issue. Thankfully not on a hugely regular basis but when they do occur...MAN, LOOK OUT!!