Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Daytrona a no go

Well, tomorrow we're going back on Focalin Xr 10mg.

The Daytrona not only didn't work for the ADHD symptoms but gave him a wicked evil mood. So after 7 days we're done with that. We've been referred to see a child psychologist(trist? I always forget) to see if they can figure out a way to get a longer coverage without adding issues. But for now I'll just be appreciating the 8 hours he can do so well for at school. Took a bit to get there though. I kept him home yesterday not wanting to send him with the patch again after knowing how badly things were going at school and then experiencing first hand over the weekend. But then he was better (mood wise) with just no meds so I sent him today since I still didn't have a new Rx but teacher said while he was in fact better today than last week it was still a rough day that included a few timeouts, which he hadn't had before switching off the Focalin.

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