Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not an academic death sentence

Ok so Timmy's only in Kindergarten, but still I am beyond thrilled with how well he's doing in school.  And I just want it to be encouragement to others that the DX of ADHD does not have to mean an academic death sentence.  I know that ADHD doesn't have anything to do with intelligence and I don't think most would argue with that but I DO think many assume that ADHD will equal poor school performance.  Again, I know we have many many years ahead of us and that the demands will get greater each year.  But today Timmy took his very first test during his time in the first grade class.  It was 34 questions where they had to listen to instructions and then fill in a bubble.  He got 7 wrong which did not sound overly impressive to me when he told me, despite how pleased he was with himself saying he did do well.  But I just got an email from the teacher and she said she does think he did "pretty amazing under the circumstances." And that only 6 other FIRST graders got less than 10 wrong with many getting as many as 20 wrong.
To me this sounds like the worst possible situation for a child with ADHD,  but he did great!

1 comment:

kristi said...

Hi, I found you through Sissy's blog...what's in sissy's head. I have a special needs son so I know how frustrating it can be when dealing with the school!

Hope you'll stop by my blog and say hi!