Monday, June 9, 2008

Another rough weekend

It was another rough weekend in our house. The weather was nasty so we were stuck in doors a lot of it. Saturday we had an extra Tball practice. While Timmy refused to do the warm up exercises as he has at every practice he did OK the rest of the time. He's still diggin in the drit between each hit. It was really hot though and an extra long practice so I think he did well. The we went to see Tom's parents at his sisters house and I will say Timmy did pretty darn well there. And didn't drive us too crazy on the hour plus drive each way.
Sunday we went to church. His Sunday school teacher said he was good and he was busy coloring when I arrived to pick him up so I HOPE its the truth as we've had a few BAD days there too. But the rest of the day was pretty much a train wreck. They both seemed to have some cabin fever and Johnny was pushing some of his buttons too. But it was Timmy that ended up in a major time out for biting Johnny's leg hard enough to leave a good bruise.

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