Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pre evaluation parent meeting

Last night I met with the Dr who will be evaluating Timmy, Dr Johnson. She was very nice and very thorough. She did confirm that some of the things Timmy is doing are a bit...beyond his years. For instance his need for acceptance and desire to be cool or fit in. She also mentioned that it sounded like he may in fact be gifted and that some of his issue could stem from that. When I first starting looking for help and direction with his behavior I found information that said that gifted kids have behaviors that often mimic ADHD but then things got worse and he got harder to control and I had sort of just forgot about that theory. So I'll be interested to see what all comes out of his eval. But we'll get hopefully some of our answers in three weeks.


Tutu said...

(((Lisa))) I just came across this blog tonight..because apparently I have nothing else to do with my time and don't require sleep. LOL Anyway, I have a nephew who is currently medicated for ADHD and another who is going through some stuff that sounds a lot like Timmy. I went through some stuff with Ashlyn too. She is most definitely NOT hyper, but we have had a lot of problems with her inability to focus. I know how frustrating it is to know your child needs help and not know how to get that help. I hope you get some answers soon. My email is always open if you need to vent!

Tutu said...

Ok, thought that would have my real name on it, so just to clarify, it's Susan (swnowlan)! It's late..I'm tired. lol